Wade Fly Fishing
The Upper St. Johns River Basin (Florida)
for American Shad -
Kindle eBook
The format of this Kindle eBook is no longer the old reflowable text but the new “print replica” that maintains the rich formatting and layout of the print book. While well suited for a guide book that includes multiple maps, pictures and tables, this new format may not be compatible with all devices. See Amazon’s list of compatible devices. The Kindle reader is available for free and can be downloaded at amazon.com — follow the link below to Amazon.com and find the link on the book page).
$9.95 plus taxes when and where applicable.
Notice: As of October 31, 2019 Amazon discontinued the Kindle Matchbook feature that gave the buyer of the printed book the option to purchase this Kindle eBook for $2.99. This author has no control over this change and regrets it. -
108 pages, full-size, full-color, with index
$19.95 plus shipping and taxes when and where applicable.